Get help
that works
— for you.

My approach to psychotherapy is casual, long-term, talk therapy. Early stages are primarily aimed at cultivating a trusting relationship.

This trust allows us to explore your lived experience and map out your emotional topography and also encourages a safety net if and when some of the traveling becomes tough. Together we discover insights, patterns, and related opportunities for psychological and emotional development. The trusting relationship we establish supports practicing more intentionality (e.g., setting boundaries, delivering feedback, practicing compassion and cultivating intimacy).

Treatment Specialties

Existential Dread

Intrusive Thoughts

Trauma Response Management

Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms


Interpersonal Conflict


Being Human

Existential Dread

Intrusive Thoughts

Trauma Response Management

Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms


Interpersonal Conflict

Boundary Setting

Being Human

Do you need medication?
The short answer is, maybe.

The long answer involves a series of appointments and the eventual determination — by you — to pursue psychotropic medical treatment if the methods we employ during our collaboration might be aided by the addition of medication.

The authority to determine the fate of your biology is an important decision, one that begins and ends with your autonomy. I will counsel you through the process of healing, which some clients find to be more arduous than medical treatment. The result, however, is that those same clients find that they are more resilient and eventually prepared to navigate trauma triggers independent of psychotropic medication.

You are the leader of not only our therapy, but also of your life. You should feel empowered to make decisions that positively impact your bottom line.

Core Services

01. Initial Psychiatric Intake

Psychiatric/medical evaluation and assessment of your lifestyle, relationships, upbringing, and other important demographics/life experiences.

02. Psychotherapy

Talk therapy aimed at cultivating a trusting relationship designed to help clients’ personal development towards self-actualization. Weekly or bi-weekly.

03. Psychotherapy & Medication Management

Includes the above description of psychotherapy with additional work designed to evaluate the compatibility, efficacy, change, and potential discontinuation of psychotropic medication. We usually determine this course of action at the beginning of our sessions but the client always leads this charge. My motto is, “the lowest dose for the least amount of time.”

Jake has helped bring about major positive change in my life. We have journeyed through difficult depression, starting medication, stopping medication and continue to enrich my life.

I finally feel safe, understood, and accepted enough to begin untying the knots in my mind that have held me down for a very long time.

Working with Jake has helped me to understand myself, my wounds, and my perceptions / reactions to those around me.

Jake has helped bring about major positive change in my life. We have journeyed through difficult depression, starting medication, stopping medication and continue to enrich my life.

Jake meets me exactly where I am. He has always made me feel like I'm in the drivers seat in my therapeutic process, and has guided me to a more grounded life.

Jake isn't afraid to push on emotionally charged topics, but has a knack at knowing when to show compassion and understanding when you need it.

Jake's openness and honesty about not having the answers or a quick fix. While I set out looking for tools to fix myself, I gained insight that has been much more valuable.

Jake is compassionate, real, and easy to talk to. I’ve opened up about some pretty ugly things and have never once felt judged or misunderstood.The work we’ve done has been tremendously healing.

Jake is transparent with his thoughts and feelings, and encourages a slow, thoughtful process. He has a gentlenss as well as a bravery in connection and vulnerability.

Jake is a great listener and picks up on subtleties like phrasing and body language to dive deeper into the issues we discuss.
